Past Events from January 8 – August 5 – Page 6 – Riverside Community Health Foundation Past Events from January 8 – August 5 – Page 6 – Riverside Community Health Foundation

Event Series Zumba Fitness

Zumba Fitness Orange Terrace

Orange Terrace Community Center 20010 Orange Terrace Pkwy, Riverside, CA, United States

The Latin inspired , easy to follow, calorie burning, dance fitness party. Feel the music and let loose. Una fiesta de Baile y ejercicio. de insparación Latina para quemar calorias y fácil de seguir . Siente la musica y déjese llevar.

Event Series Aquamotion


Shamel Park Pool 3650 Arlington Ave, Riverside, CA, United States

Rebuild your strength, reduce pain, and increase your overall sense of well-being in this exciting, innovative water aerobics class taught by Linda Hicks and her team from Aquamotion Ability Foundation.   Aquamotion Ability Foundation 951-515-5597

Event Series TCC Neighborhood Canvassing

TCC Neighborhood Canvassing

Join us for our upcoming TCC Neighborhood Canvassing and help provide information about FREE programs to our community. In June of 2020, the City of Riverside and its community partners were awarded two grants totaling $31,221,206 from the Transformative Climate Communities and Affordable Housing Sustainable Communities Grant Programs. Our TCC Neighborhood Canvassing is spearheaded by … Continued

Event Series Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors

Opening Doors/Abriendo Puertas

Bobby Bonds Cesar Chavez Community Center 2060 University Ave, Riverside, CA, United States

Join us for our FREE Opening Doors Program, and receive tools to help your children develop a healthy lifestyle together with fellow parents, like yourself. We will prepare you to successfully support your child. This interactive in-person program is for parents and or caretakers of children ages 0-5. To sign up, click the link below. … Continued

Event Series Zumba Fitness

Zumba Fitness Orange Terrace

Orange Terrace Community Center 20010 Orange Terrace Pkwy, Riverside, CA, United States

The Latin inspired , easy to follow, calorie burning, dance fitness party. Feel the music and let loose. Una fiesta de Baile y ejercicio. de insparación Latina para quemar calorias y fácil de seguir . Siente la musica y déjese llevar.

Event Series Aquamotion


Shamel Park Pool 3650 Arlington Ave, Riverside, CA, United States

Rebuild your strength, reduce pain, and increase your overall sense of well-being in this exciting, innovative water aerobics class taught by Linda Hicks and her team from Aquamotion Ability Foundation.   Aquamotion Ability Foundation 951-515-5597

Event Series Zumba Fitness

Zumba Fitness Orange Terrace

Orange Terrace Community Center 20010 Orange Terrace Pkwy, Riverside, CA, United States

The Latin inspired , easy to follow, calorie burning, dance fitness party. Feel the music and let loose. Una fiesta de Baile y ejercicio. de insparación Latina para quemar calorias y fácil de seguir . Siente la musica y déjese llevar.

Event Series Aquamotion


Shamel Park Pool 3650 Arlington Ave, Riverside, CA, United States

Rebuild your strength, reduce pain, and increase your overall sense of well-being in this exciting, innovative water aerobics class taught by Linda Hicks and her team from Aquamotion Ability Foundation.   Aquamotion Ability Foundation 951-515-5597

Event Series Zumba Fitness

Zumba Fitness Orange Terrace

Orange Terrace Community Center 20010 Orange Terrace Pkwy, Riverside, CA, United States

The Latin inspired , easy to follow, calorie burning, dance fitness party. Feel the music and let loose. Una fiesta de Baile y ejercicio. de insparación Latina para quemar calorias y fácil de seguir . Siente la musica y déjese llevar.

Event Series Aquamotion


Shamel Park Pool 3650 Arlington Ave, Riverside, CA, United States

Rebuild your strength, reduce pain, and increase your overall sense of well-being in this exciting, innovative water aerobics class taught by Linda Hicks and her team from Aquamotion Ability Foundation.   Aquamotion Ability Foundation 951-515-5597

Event Series Zumba Fitness

Zumba Fitness Orange Terrace

Orange Terrace Community Center 20010 Orange Terrace Pkwy, Riverside, CA, United States

The Latin inspired , easy to follow, calorie burning, dance fitness party. Feel the music and let loose. Una fiesta de Baile y ejercicio. de insparación Latina para quemar calorias y fácil de seguir . Siente la musica y déjese llevar.
