Zumba Gold
Eddie Dee Smith Senior Center 5888 Mission Blvd, Riverside, CA, United StatesFriday 8:30-10:30 7/12/2024 thru 8/30/2024
Friday 8:30-10:30 7/12/2024 thru 8/30/2024
Zumba Gold for 55+ La Sierra Senior Center 5215 La Sierra Ave. Riverside, Ca. 92505 Occurs every Tuesday from 8:30 AM to 9:30 AM effective Tue 8/6/2024 until Tue 8/20/2024
Join us for our upcoming TCC Neighborhood Canvassing and help provide information about FREE programs to our community. In June of 2020, the City of Riverside and its community partners were awarded two grants totaling $31,221,206 from the Transformative Climate Communities and Affordable Housing Sustainable Communities Grant Programs. Our TCC Neighborhood Canvassing is spearheaded by … Continued
Teen Clinic is a safe, confidential, no-judgment place to receive free Sexual and Reproductive Health services such as counseling on Birth Control choices, STI testing, and educational resources. Teen Clinic is available on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month.
Friday 8:30-10:30 7/12/2024 thru 8/30/2024
MAS Meeting at Arlanza Community Center at Bryant Park
The 2024 Women’s Cancer Seminar will provide education, motivation, and life application tips for survivorship beyond diagnosis and treatment. The day will include sessions on topics such as preventing cancer recurrence, emotional support, managing side effects to cancer treatment and much more! Continental breakfast and lunch will be served, don’t miss out on this special … Continued
Ovarian cancer support group survivors and patients. Every last Thursday of the month. Via Zoom 6pm-7pm Hosted by IE4TEAL
Friday 8:30-10:30 7/12/2024 thru 8/30/2024
Connect with others who understand what you’re going through, share resources, and discuss topics related to cancer treatment and survivorship from the safety of your own home. This support group is open to women of cancers, the newly diagnosed, those in remission, and all stages. Registration Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIufuqtqDwiGNOZdknnkv8LvTtHV_z_oO5f Zoom link for group: https://us06web.zoom.us/w/96393567827?tk=sLccFYr-wpTDC5yf-F8JGxN4wcOcavUgRrjXnNWX2OY.DQMAAAAWcYEeUxY4bEgxZU5HUlRKeUp6SHVmR0lRbWZRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA&pwd=Y2x3bkxYdndkVHpvSE1wMFFzVWg1Zz09
Teen Clinic is a safe, confidential, no-judgment place to receive free Sexual and Reproductive Health services such as counseling on Birth Control choices, STI testing, and educational resources. Teen clinic meets each 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month.
The Walnut Tribe and The Pink Ribbon Place are partnering to provide a space for men who are affected by prostate cancer to connect, converse, and gain support. In-person and Zoom meetings every first Wednesday of the month. Register at https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYod--sqD0sHdW-qRHBa3RUVwEvQev6OhsZ#/registration