2019-20 RCHF Integrated Health Initiative Grantees
The intent of the RCHF Integrated Health Initiative is to have a greater impact on populations who have or are at risk of pre-diabetes, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and behavioral health challenges.The purpose is to improve care coordination and integration with healthcare and behavioral health professionals through formal community partnerships and referrals. Through this collective effort, we expect a decrease in health disparities and an increase in patient care, satisfaction and community resources.
Grantee: Aquamotion Ability Foundation
Grant Amount: $23,854
Purpose: Aquamotion Ability Foundation will use RCHF grant funds to provide accessible and sustainable water aerobic programs for adults and/or seniors with limited access to user-friendly exercise options. Goals of this project are to prevent the onset of Type 2 Diabetes and/or effects of Type 2 Diabetes, and to decrease the effects of heart disease.
Purpose: Janet Goeske Foundation will use RCHF grant funds to run the “Fit Fresh & Fun at 50+” program, which consists of health and wellness coach style group meetings and monitoring health outcomes. This project will focus on improving the health management of chronic conditions and lifestyle behaviors that are associated with pre-diabetes, diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.
Purpose:Path of Life Ministries (POLM) will use RCHF grant funds to address behavioral and mental health barriers (including substance abuse) that impede homeless households from exiting homelessness by attaining and maintaining stable housing. POLM will also connect individuals with diabetes and heart disease to the appropriate levels of clinical support to aid in the management of their condition and reducing hospital stays and emergency room visits resulting from unmanaged conditions.
Purpose: TruEvolution will use RCHF grant funds to implement evidence-based mental health and substance use disorder treatment/practices that are trauma-informed and recovery-oriented. Goals of this project are (1) to improve the health outcomes and quality of life for high risk youth populations with at least one Major Depressive Episode (MDE) and adults with Any Mental Illness (AMI) through trauma-informed therapeutic and supportive services; and (2) to improve coordinated referrals, warm hand-offs, and linkage to supportive services through outreach and monthly health education forums on heart disease to identify those who have a family history of hypertension and/or stroke.